1. I’m interested in starting my own business. How do I apply for the BEST Genesis Program?
You must first complete and submit the BEST Application for Admission, secondly you must register with your local WorkSource Center to determine your eligibility for training benefits. If you are already eligible for training benefits through WorkSource, Veterans Benefits, Vocational Transition or Worker’s Compensation resources, contact your Case Manager or Training Counselor regarding Enrollment Voucher authorization. Also, if you prefer to fund training through your own resources, you may pay by check or credit card; if accepted as an Enterpriser Training Candidate.
2. I’ve recently been laid off from my job of fifteen years. I’ve been been looking for another job for some time but have had no success in finding a position in my field. I’ve decided I would like to start my own business, but don’t know what business to go into. What’s the best business to get into today?
Starting your own business is quite different than working as an employee. Your business is most successful if you are excited and enthusiastic about your field; have knowledge, a network and experience in your specialty, and can be considered as an expert. Looking for the “best business” to get into may not necessarily match very well against your own background or enthusiasm.
3. What are the academic requirements for the BEST Genesis Program?
BEST Genesis is a California i-Train and California EDD Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) approved workforce development certificate course which accepts qualified microenterprise candidates who have high school diplomas, college undergraduate and graduate degrees, MBAs and Ph.D.s. Entrepreneurship or business ownership in general does not require a certain level of academic study; but is more of a challenge of the feasibility of an idea or a concept for a successful business; and the owner or visionary’s commitment and desire for success by carefully planning to fulfill an unmet need, or to meet market demand opportunities. However, any academic background or business courses you may have attended are valuable assets to you during the Business Plan development process; and also in determining your transferable skills and management style.
4. What is so unique about the BEST Genesis Program verses other similar training resources?
The BEST Genesis is designed to serve business ownership candidates through the combination of an environment of boardroom conferences, computer-based / web-based applications, field research, peer interaction and business network building for successful Business Plan implementation. Additionally, classroom and computer lab assignments are supported through individual coaching and mentoring during one-to-one meetings. Your business is your course project, and your unique needs are addressed through guided activities to assist you in development of your Business Plan for success. Beyond the training cycle, candidates are provided six-months of follow-up individual support and mentoring during the Business Plan implementation and problem-solving contingencies.
5. I’m currently looking for employment, but I ‘m also interested in starting my own business part-time. Would that conflict with my enrolling in the BEST Genesis Program?
Yes, the BEST Genesis Program is designed to serve those candidates who are totally committed to business ownership, and have chosen to create their own job through business generation. However, there are many other great resources available, such as the Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) for those budding entrepreneurs not prepared to make the total commitment.
6. I have two or three great ideas for businesses. Can I develop all of them through the BEST Genesis Program?
No. For the purposes of focus, BEST Genesis challenges and requires all Enterpriser Candidates to select one business with a flagship service or product line. Determining your unique niche or specialty is essential for positioning your business; however if your other product varieties or services are related, they are recommended to be introduced through your Business Plan product or service schedule.
7. Are there scholarships available for candidates of the BEST Genesis Program?
Occasionally, there are partial scholarships (Training Grants) available on a limited basis only for those Enterpriser Candidates who do not qualify for the following: WorkSource Center (WIA Training Benefits) or Worker’s Compensation Supplemental Job Displacement Benefit
When scholarships (Training Grants) are available, you may apply and submit your letter from the agency which determined you ineligible. Additionally, in some cases you may be eligible for direct Training Benefits included in your severance package from your last employer. Contact your Case Manager or Training Counselor regarding your eligibility and /or Enrollment Voucher authorization. Also, if you prefer to fund training through your own resources, you may pay by check or credit card; if accepted as an Enterpriser Training Candidate.
8. Does the Training Benefits also pay for my business license and other business registration fees?
No. Generally, the Training Benefits are only an investment into your career transition as an executive of your micro-enterprise business development and job creation. Your personal investment includes basic business licenses and name registration fees, articles of incorporation, marketing collateral materials, domain name, merchant bank deposits and other ordinary and necessary expenses for business operation. However, some vocational transition agencies may provide additional support with Training Benefits. Please consult your Training Counselor.
9. Does the BEST Program provide funding for start-up businesses?
No. The BEST Genesis Program prepares Enterprisers to become good candidates for acquiring funding through a variety of resources, including: Bank Special Programs SBA Loans Crowd Funding Start-up Fund Raising Early Stage Fund Raising Microenterprise Funding Programs Capital Venture Forums Local Economic Development Initiatives. When appropriate, we will facilitate capital introductions for both parties to meet.
During the process of writing the Business Plan, representatives of various programs are guests presenters and are available for networking opportunities with Enterprisers. After the course-cycle and during the six-month follow-up for implementation, Enterprisers will also focus on marketing and customer development for business generation.
10. Where may I find more information regarding the Business Entrepreneurial Stewardship Training Genesis Program?
Please visit the Official BEST Website at: http://BEST-Genesis.com or call 844.286.3704 or feel free to send us an e-mail at success@BEST-Genesis.com if you have any questions or would like to attend the next scheduled BEST Genesis Orientation. Also, “Follow Us” on Twitter @BEST1Genesis.
11. How much does the BEST Genesis Program cost?
The BEST Genesis Program is FREE to eligible candidates of the following Workforce Development Training Benefits:
- WorkSource Center (WIA Training Benefits)
- Worker’s Compensation Supplemental Job Displacement Benefit
- Private Resources for Course Investment
The Tuition Investment includes course fees, training course materials, textbooks and workbooks, software licensing, and subscriptions. Please consult your Training Counselor or Case Manager regarding eligibility for Training Benefits.
12. How much does the BEST Numbers Accelerator Program cost?
The BEST Numbers Accelerator Program is an open enrollment valued at over $5,000, but offered at a Registration Investment of only $2,995 for Enterpriser candidates. The purpose of a business accelerator is to prepare the business owner for the next life-cycle in their venture by eliminating or overcoming the early-stage capital access barriers. The BEST "Numbers Accelerator" program focuses on the "fiscal fitness" of the business and encourages the Enterprisers to "know their numbers": via financial capacity, value creation, equity, financial stewardship; and how to source $50,000 seed funding for their venture. Registration Investment Payments accepted include:
MasterCard, VISA and American Express at your convenience or preference via:
- PayPal
- Square Market
The BEST Numbers Accelerator Registration Investment includes course webinars, One2One Coaching, online training course materials, resources and workbooks, licensing, and subscriptions. Choose "Register Now" when ready to connect to BEST Numbers Accelerator payment systems.
13. When is the next available scheduled?
Please visit the BEST Calendar Page to review upcoming program schedules.