How To Determine Your Business Service Rate
How To Determine Your Business Service Rate
"How much should I charge for my services?" This is a key question for many business owners. Through many years of observation, this one very important detail is one of the most overlooked by service business owners or new entrepreneurs. By the end of today's Workshop you will have an answer to the above question and gained clarity about how important the direct relationship of your Business Fee Rate is to the profitability and success of your own business.
Frank Stokes, Principal Consultant

Daylite Article with research for Consulting or Coaching Service Rates per industry.
Paperbell.com Article about Pricing Your Consulting Services: 4 Models
PointerPro Article on How To Calculate Your Rates.
Basic Key Business Assumptions
Basic Key Business Assumptions
How To Calculate And Track Overhead Costs For Your Business 2022
How To Calculate And Track Overhead Costs For Your Business 2022
This video will cover the basics of financial reporting, such as forecasting your sales and budget for expenses.
Financial Projections For Your StartUp
Financial Projections For Your StartUp
Introduction to the 6 components of financial projections for your business plan and startup.
"When you’re running a small business, you’re looking to maximize profitability, i.e. how many dollars did you put into your pocket."
Current Data regarding Small Business Profitability in the Professional Services Sector.
Considerations For Determining Your Service Charge
Considerations For Determining Your Service Charge
Pricing For Consulting Services /
How To Charge Clients
Pricing For Consulting Services /
How To Charge Clients
Considerations for best approach to charging your Clients for Consulting Services.
2 Tactics To Determine Your Service Pricing
2 Tactics To Determine Your Service Pricing
Determining pricing can be very confusing. In the beginning, you may have to start at a lower cost in order to attract more opportunities to prove yourself.

Invoicing And Payment Solutions
Invoicing And Payment Solutions
Always provide a variety of Payment Solutions to meet your Clientele Audience needs.
Always provide a variety of Payment Solutions to meet your Clientele Audience needs.

Invoice with ease using Invoice2go a Bill.com company. Small business owners in over 160 countries trust Invoice2go to send professional invoices and estimates to clients.
How Much Do I Pay In Transaction Fees?
How Much Do I Pay In Transaction Fees?
A Few Words About Increasing Your Fee-For-Service Rates...
A Few Words About Increasing Your Fee-For-Service Rates...
Homework Reading Assignment

Assignment To Demonstrate Competency​​
Assignment To Demonstrate Competency​​
Thanks very much for joining our Workshop today! Now that you have all of the Business Service Fee Setting Tools, please share your new Executive Skills by sending your answers to the following 4 Competencies Questions below, via e-mail (Please include your Name and Company) to: Frank Stokes at: success@best-genesis.com
Generate revenue at a profit and achieve success!
What is the Market Rate Service Fee for your Service Industry?
What is the Market Rate Service Fee for your Service Industry?
What is the Average Profit Margin for your Service Industry?
What is the Average Profit Margin for your Service Industry?
What is your Company's Baseline Minimum Rate for Service Charges?
What is your Company's Baseline Minimum Rate for Service Charges?
What is your Company's Adjusted Rate for Invoicing Service Charges?
What is your Company's Adjusted Rate for Invoicing Service Charges?